A 6Hour Invention of Stuart Hall:
7 Minute Workout App

  • 216,718 app downloads in 3 days

  • 49 countries No.1 Fitness iPhone app

A 6Hour Invention of Stuart Hall: 7 Minute Workout App

A Mobile Application today is considered an ideal solution to many business problems. Customer engagement, business reach, easy accessibility, high ROI, if these are the targeted aspects then certainly an app forms the basis of success for a brand that offers transformational ways to handle consumers

Do you know?

Smartphone users spend more than 162 minutes daily on a couple of apps.

Mobile applications today are becoming the main medium of digital interaction and concerning the same here we have a success story of Mr. Hall whose unpractical idea became the next-gen innovation.

Let’s take a rundown at his struggling phase and how he gradually laddered the path of success.

Stuart Hall is the owner of some fantastic applications (like Appbot, Discovr) but is spectacularly known for running a marketing experiment that proved to be surprisingly successful with gradual passing days

He had only one thing in mind:

“I wanted to build an app in one night, not tell a single person about it and run some experiments on it to see if I could get it to some level of success.”

The idea of the app aroused from a pressing topic of that time which was being published on the sites New York Times and many others. 7 Minute Workout was all the buzz where Hall already had some customer validation around the idea.

7 Minute Workout App Statistics Roll-Up

  • No.1 Fitness iPhone app in 49 countries
  • 216,718 app downloads in 3 days
  • 2500x growth in app downloads of the free version rather than paid
  • Ranked in Top 25 list of Popular Apps across the US
Successful apps

“Successful apps can have failed promotions and rocky releases along the way.”

The Enriched Application Features included:

  • Explanation of 12 basic but major exercises (with descriptions)
  • Voice Prompted Timer to remind users to swap exercise while guiding them through
  • Log Book
  • Social Sharing
  • Adjustable Durations/Repeats/Sets
  • iPad Support

Successful assets always have a buried history full of struggles and warships and so does this amazing idea cum reality.

Setbacks that Came Along the Way...

With a big competition with thousands of fitness apps, Stuart took the risk to develop a digital mobile app that was the secondary need for the masses. An idea that was hatched from a hype became a 6 hours invention that had a myriad of challenges upfront.

  • No design and intuitive graphics, just a basic app
  • Tough competition with the app name
  • No prior app branding or promotion
  • No response from app review sites
  • Developed for iOS
  • Flat Sales for weeks

How Did Stuart Hall Succeed?

Where there is the will there is the way!

With unexpected results and shortcomings of the app, Stuart decided to modify the application for a wide reach, sent out the press releases with free promo codes, and created version 1.2 with iPad support.

How Did Stuart Hall Succeed?

After trying everything, the last he did was made the fitness app free, and resultingly, saw a laddering increase in the downloads where the average was 72,000 per day up from an average of 28 per day at paid. (the growth multiplier exceeded with 2500x)

7 Minute Workout App Received Outstanding Results

  • 216,718 downloads in 3 days
  • Became the #1 fitness iPad app in 68 countries
  • Became the #1 fitness iPhone app in 49 countries.
  • Became the top 10 overall in 12 countries

Real-Life Inspirational Stories of Success! Clear your Path of Failure Left & Right.

Success Stories

A successful Goal is furnished with exceptional efforts in the background to deliver expected results.