Virtual Reality: Transforming Business Imagination into Reality

Virtual Reality Transforming Business Imagination into Reality - Netset Softawre

The virtual world is virtually unlimited!

Our original world made an immersion in the virtual world in the late 90s and ever since then, the technology has seamlessly managed to embark its footprint in the tech sphere while making the future tremendously exciting for both work and play.

The origin of Virtual reality is not recent, it began to develop gradually without any disappointment and, innovatively blends with our daily lives today. Many businesses have realized the opportunities that the technology can render where a myriad of mobile app development companies have harnessed the potential of VR to transform reality in an exceptional way.

“Engagement and inspiration are the two critical factors that have led brands to invest in VR Web and App experiences.”

To acquire a strong technical forefront along with the audience’s attention, many companies have tapped to unlock various segments of virtual reality to promote their products or services or even to enhance their advertising campaigns.

Let’s get acquainted with them one by one:

#360° Virtual Reality

Now there lies a difference between 360-degree videos and virtual reality. In the video, you can’t witness an intuitive and interactive format while on the flip, 360° virtual reality environment embeds specific elements that are distributed in a spherical format that emerges a panoramic image view, allowing you to scroll the scene at any angle up to 360 degrees. 

Along with that, you can also interact with the scene/stage in different ways (like making decisions, interacting with objects, etc) which builds an experience that blends physical and digital realities in an indistinguishable manner.  

At the same time it allows you to interact with the stage in different ways, either by making decisions that affect the course of the scenes, interaction with different objects, and which can evoke different types of stimulations in the user. 

Organizations tend to create an audio-video simulation of a substituted environment that enables users to look around them acutely in all possible directions, just as they can in real life, offering an immersive sight. 

The intention is to interact with the theme and experience the content instead of just sitting back to watch. Capturing 360-degree videos of real-life in a virtually simulated world is a new ball game with new rules and advanced equipment.

#3D Virtual Reality

Simply put, it’s the virtual reality experience to witness in three dimensions. By mixing the hardware and software components together, it delivers an enhanced immersion to the user that enables him to experience partial or total movement through the stage.

Such a scenario can be well witnessed in virtual reality games or 3D games adapted to VR.

3D Virtual Reality objects involved tend to respond to the changes in the user’s movement and the interactions mimic those in the real world. 

#Virtual Reality Applications

Undoubtedly, virtual reality has revolutionized how businesses are carried out and many companies including fashion, entertainment, manufacturing, healthcare, etc. have realized its vitality and are reaping the benefits of VR applications already.

The VR landscape can be well experienced through various types of e-devices that can drive customer engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty, thus allowing users to explore and interact with the virtual worlds and their elements uniquely.

[Prefer Reading: Virtual Reality Business Use Cases with Examples]

Hiring dedicated VR App Developers can set a breakthrough for your business by becoming a robust catalyst for advertising and sales in the distinct industry spheres. 

NetSet offers the following VR App Development solutions:

  • VR App Development and design (from an idea to release, the complete phase)
  • VR placement/integration (porting apps to other platforms)
  • VR Game Development (mobile/web-based design and development)

Some of the most interesting VR Applications are:

  • InMind
  • Google Cardboard
  • YouTube VR
  • Google Expeditions
  • Allumette
  • Titans of Space Plus
  • Google Earth VR
  • Kingspray Grafitti VR
  • The Foo Show
  • Virtual Desktop
  • Fulldive VR

There is a remarkable count of high-quality virtual reality mobile applications and our tech brainiacs can build VR applications customized for each brand without missing to tap its vast potential.

Advantages of using Virtual Reality for your Business 

Virtual reality has become a very powerful advertising tool that many companies have not hesitated to use to reinforce many of their digital campaigns. Especially because it offers several advantages such as:

-It will help you to reinforce a digital or offline campaign

-You can customize it according to the needs of your brand

-It’s a new experience for users, so it improves the retention of your campaign message and your brand

-Virtual reality is an investment medium with which your customers can interact with your brand’s products

-It will help you to accelerate customer engagement by acquainting customers with the product/ service in a different way.

-VR experiences are more memorable than the real ones that help to improve customer satisfaction

-Virtual reality provides competitive advantages to businesses when we compare it to a traditional product launch or opening a physical store.

-VR enables companies to promote their products in a distinguishable manner using this great interactive marketing that blends the use of photography and technology

Of course, making a virtual reality application for any business theme is not an easy task and can be a bit expensive, but it is certainly a very powerful tool to promote your brand or products.

These are just some of the advantages of making a virtual reality application, if you need an agency to help you with the development of your virtual reality application, do not hesitate to contact us. 

Ladder Up your Business with VR Applications

Let your business be empowered with Virtual Reality Business Applications that are known to transform imagination into reality. 

With the advent of the latest 5G standards, many interesting scenarios for the VR evolution will be seen, allowing more devices and large user communities to be connected on virtual grounds. 

We specialize in innovative technologies and enable digital transformation for our clients. If you are ready with your VR project idea then we are ready to make it a reality super soon.