Associate with the Gigantic User Base With Our Advanced Android App Development Services

Serving all business types and covering diverse industry domains, we offer end-to-end Android App Development Solutions and build bespoke mobile apps which are highly scalable and flexible when made to use.

Our team includes seasoned Android app builders, enhancing their proficiencies in the platform and in addition, every one of its adaptations. They are fond of exceeding customer’s expectations by making unique apps that are fueled by the most advanced technologies.

Custom Android App Development

Our Android programmers apply their best coding skills to deliver secure apps, conforming to each business requirement.

Blockchain Mobile Apps

Secure and authentic applications are built by Android developers, leveraging the power of Blockchain Technology.

AI/ML Apps

Our Android app coders are prompt in developing intelligent, innovative and interactive mobile apps powered by Artificial Intelligence and its subsets.

AR/VR Apps

We help you build smart AR/VR applications which respond in real-time, improving customer engagement and user-experience.

Android App Integration

To enhance operational efficiency of systems, we build apps which seamlessly integrate with your existing back-end applications.

Android App Portability

Our adroit team can effectively port your pre-built applications to the Android platform to ensure scalability and expandable user base.

Hire a Dedicated Developer!


What to Expect from Our Android App Development Services?

NetSet is an experienced Android app maker company holding an impressive portfolio of infinite enterprise-grade Android Apps. Our extensive platform-expertise makes us fit for delivering a full range of Android mobile app development services that are an ideal counterpart for our client's needs.

Our reliable Android App Development solutions are highly cost-effective, centred to deliver quality products.

  • Effortless onboarding
  • Complete team control
  • Security & authenticity assured
  • Agile & adaptive app development
  • Hassle-free app store approval
Android app Development services
  • Optimum scalability & flexibility
  • Open Source, support multiple platforms
  • Highly extensive and responsive
  • Enhanced User-experience
  • Outperforming Developer Skills

Looking To Hire Android Developer? Know Why Our Developers Should Be Your First Choice

60% Cost Saving
100+ Real Reviews
No Freelancers
  • 10+

    Years Experience

  • 4,000+

    Project Launched

  • 4 Million+

    Man Hours Experience

  • 1,500+

    Happy Customers

  • 98%

    Client Retention

Need Assistance? Talk to our Experts


Our Android Technology Stack

Your next-gen business apps are constructed with a powerful base of advanced android technologies with the latest development tools, catering to the necessary market demands.

Pick a Hiring Model of Your Choice

Get going with a Business-Friendly Model that suits you perfectly.

Fixed price Model
Fixed Price

Our fixed price paradigm best suits customers who wish to accomplish projects with limited scope and scalability with clear, predetermined and constant requirements.

Onboarding of small-sized projects is first initiated by estimating a feasible time and budget to create an MVP which minimizes project risks before development starts. This model keeps stable pricing adhering to the predictive calculations of work, time & money.

  • Fixed Time Period

  • Clear & Specified Requirements

  • Negligible Money Risk

  • No Pre/Post Changes

Time and Material

Time and Material model is tailored for customers coming up with long-term and complex projects which involve project executions including designing, bug fixing, testing, final deployment & support/maintenance.

What sets it apart from the previous one is the freedom to apply changes and modifications more freely within a defined time interval. Work begins after taking understanding and control over the visioned scope, rather the entire project.

  • Scalable & Flexible

  • Less Clear requirements

  • Less Consistent Workflow

  • Transparency & Collaboration

Time and material
Care Career app
Dedicated Team

Dedicated Team model is ideal for customers looking for a prolonged business association for executing high-end and complex projects from start to finish. Say, projects intending to use Blockchain technology may fall under this category.

It’s the most flexible and adaptable among the list of three as it offers to make unfixed business changes, in real-time, as per the ever-increasing market demands. We deploy you with full rights to choose experts as employees to handle your entire project that is worked and supported remotely.

  • Enhanced Flexibility

  • Accountability and Transparency

  • High Money Investment

  • Wide & Deep Involvement

Case Studies

No matter who we work with, Worth@Work is the business principle we follow to serve all our esteemed clients.