Agile Methodologies: Future-Proof your Business for a Digitized World

Agile Methodologies: Future-Proof your Business for a Digitized World

Revolution 4.0 brought breakneck speed to work processes. Organizations thinking of fully embracing digital transformation must do their homework. Among the most important tasks is the adoption of agile methodologies that allow products and services to be delivered quickly with a significant reduction in cost and time.

For this reason, it’s important that custom software development companies know how to implement the agile methodology in their business.

A Dynamic and Changing Environment

With the ongoing time of the crisis, many have understood that the barriers that were maintained in the past within an organization were more psychological than real. 

The digital environment has become very changeable and dynamic. Within this scenario, companies must continue to fulfill their main purpose. We are living a time of personal and professional change and absolutely disruptive in the way we face our company life.

The need is to realize that advancing technology, agile methodology, and digital training are the key elements in this sphere. In this case, it is about their management being adequate to improve productivity and be more competitive.

The moment in which we live returns a corporate reality in the process of transformation. Organizations are trying to get rid of their analogical conception and establish themselves in digital.

Completing the formalization of this transitory state is an inevitable process. Companies that do not understand it this way will lose all their visibility in a completely renewed and technologically advanced market.

Presently, the most likely used words to be heard and implemented are that of Agile Methodologies. It is probably the most popular software development methodology in the world and it is getting more and more followers in companies and technology departments.

Most of the custom application development companies have fully implemented Agile techniques. Although generally related to web and application development, agile practices can be implemented in almost any team and any business sector, helping companies grow.

The Antique Technique: Agile

Agile methodologies are those that allow adapting the way of working to each project carried out by big, medium, and small companies. Being agile, in short, is having the ability to respond quickly to any situation and emerge beneficially from changing environments.

If this concept is adapted to the business framework, agile methodologies are born, which allow making any project flexible and easily adaptable to any situation, thus achieving the best results, in record time, and reducing costs.

[Prefer Reading: “Growth Hacking: A One-Stop Solution for Rapid Business Expansion.”]

Advantages of Applying Agile Methodologies to an Enterprise

Applying digital methodologies to your software development outsourcing company can have many benefits and advantages, but in broad terms, we present the following three:

1. Versatility to Achieve Goals

The management of projects in companies that have implemented agile methodologies is not pre-established nor does it respond to patterns, but is completely oriented towards meeting the objectives and new goals that may arise.

In this way, the project adapts to the client’s needs and better results are achieved!

2. Greater Customer and Team Satisfaction

As we said, a project managed by a web or an app development company that applies agile methodologies is a project that adapts to the client’s needs and pursues the achievement of all its objectives.

This type of management will generate greater customer satisfaction since they will be involved throughout the project. You will be a participant in decision-making, you will be informed of its achievements and shortcomings, and you can contribute your global vision to improve the final product.

The work team, in this type of management, also feels more accomplished, since at all times they have a global vision of the progress of the project and can also contribute their point of view.

A collectively developed project brings benefits to a business and the customer!

3. Better Product Quality, with More Efficiency & Lower Costs

As we said, a project that is developed taking into account the opinion of the client and that of those who are building it does nothing more than improving the final product. The interaction and taking into account many voices means that there are more voices to question how to improve the final result and detect any errors more quickly.

In addition, it works with greater efficiency and speed and therefore, costs are reduced. The development of a project using agile methodologies entails delivering many versions of the product until arriving, less time, at the final version applying all the necessary corrections that the client requires.

[Prefer Reading: “Are We Technology-Ready Post 2020 Pandemic?”]

5 Agile Methodologies to Implement in your Company

At this point, you may be wondering: how can I apply agile methodologies to my company?

How can I create a custom mobile application applying an agile methodology? 

#Extreme Programming XP

If your company, or SME, or startup is in the process of creation or is still consolidating in the market, this is your perfect tool, since it focuses on personal relationships between team members and with clients.

Its main objective is to enhance personal relationships, both within the company and with the client, to encourage teamwork, and improve the final result of the product. 


This methodology consists of breaking down any product development cycle into smaller products. In this way, the development of complex projects that require flexibility and speed is facilitated. 

By fragmenting development cycles, you can meet small objectives and submit them to validation by the client and the work team, to more easily detect errors or proposals for improvement. Communication within the team and with the client is essential in the application of this agile methodology. 


This agile methodology is very useful for leaders or those responsible for projects since it consists of visually reflecting pending, in-process, or terminal tasks. In this way, with a glance, the project manager can get a global idea of ​​how the team is working and if it is managing the project correctly. 

In addition, this graphic must be available to all workers on the team, because this way you avoid overlapping in tasks and organize your time. With this agile methodology, productivity and teamwork are improved. 

#Agile Inception

Achieving a consensus between partners, between work team or with the client is often complicated, but this agile methodology is intended to facilitate it. How do you get it?

It consists of holding repeated meetings aimed at defining and clarifying the most immediate objectives to be met, in which interventions cannot last more than 5 minutes. In this way, a clear and direct message is delivered and it is easier to reach a consensus. 

#Design Sprint

This agile methodology is promoted by Google Ventures, a Google service, and has the objective of shaping everything that involves the project in record time, ideally in 5 days. It allows us to prototype and validates ideas with the work team and with the clients to define the tasks and stipulate 5 phases to route the product.

As we all know, a sprint is a race at maximum speed, and this term applied to product development means the same thing. By applying the Design Sprint you will promote teamwork while reducing work time!